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Virtual Meeting

HKAPI Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) 2022 Date: 22 February 2022 (Tue) Time: 2:30 PM - 4:30PM RSVP: Please contact the HKAPI Office *Members Only

Medical Representatives’ Training Programme 2022

The HKAPI Medical Representatives’ Training Programme 2022 will be commenced on 7 April 2022 (Thu), the programme information, the schedule and the course rules are enclosed for your perusal. Course Period: 7 April – October 2022 Format: To Be Confirmed (the lectures may be adopted online according to pandemic precautionary measures) Fee of Full course […]

Code of Practice – Train-The-Trainers Workshop 2022

Virtual Meeting

Following the update of the HKAPI Code of Practice at the Annual General Meeting, the Ethics & Compliance Task Force is organizing the Train-the-Trainers Workshop to provide a deep dive into the key changes of the Code and the implications for HKAPI members.   The details of the Workshop are as follows: Date: 22 April […]

Sharing Session – Potential Collaborations with DHCs and Community Pharmacies

Primary Healthcare is one of the key directions of the HKSAR Government, and the HKAPI is of the view that District Health Centre (DHC) and Community pharmacies have pivotal roles in delivering a holistic healthcare model for patients. In the past two years, the Public-Private Partnership taskforce (2020-22) engaged with operators of DHC, DHC Express […]

HKAPI Event: Understanding Undesirable Medicinal Advertisement Ordinance (UMAO)/Trade Description Ordinance (TDO) for Medicinal Product Promotion

Virtual Meeting

To ensure members have a thorough understanding of the relevant laws, regulations and Codes regarding medicinal material communicating to the public via different mediums, the HKAPI organizes an event with law enforcement authorities and experts to explain the law and its enforcement. Content: 1. Trade Description Ordinance and Code of Broadcasting Authority: Its implementation on […]

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