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Senior Executive Director takes top honour at APEC 2020 Lighthouse Award

Sabrina Chan So Kuen, Senior Executive Director of Hong Kong Association of Pharmaceutical Industry, has been awarded APEC 2020 Lighthouse Award #Business Ethics for SMEs.

For the seventh consecutive year, APEC presents the Lighthouse Award to the person, organization or economy that promotes and strengthens a more ethical business environment among small- and medium-sized enterprises within the Asia-Pacific region.

For the first time a member from Hong Kong receives this honour, after Australia, Peru, Canada, Vietnam, the Philippines and Dato ‘Hafsah Hashim from Malaysia. The inscribed crystal trophy Sabrina receives means more than a precious personal prize to her it signifies an international recognition of the Associationā€™s performance in its compliance work in Hong Kong.

For about a decade, Sabrina has been one of the key leaders of APEC Biopharmaceutical Working Group on Ethics, a working group that oversees the strategies on promoting ethics in the biopharmaceutical sector. Throughout the years, she has been achieving remarkable successes in bringing the spirit and principles of business ethics not only to the biopharmaceutical sector in Hong Kong, but also to other economies in Asia

During her acceptance speech for the Lighthouse Ward, the HKAPI Senior Executive Director said: ā€œThe spirit of business ethics needs to be embedded in the mind of every partner in the healthcare community, widely shared globally and across any geographic borders, regardless what language we speak, and which culture we belong to.ā€

She also pledges to stand firm with the guiding principles and core values as to safeguard patientsā€™ welfare, which is always of the highest priority in the business practice of the biopharmaceutical industry and working partners of the Association.

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