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Welcome Edelman as HKAPI's First Catalyst Member

We are delighted to welcome Edelman as the first Catalyst Member of the Hong Kong Association of the Pharmaceutical Industry (HKAPI) since the recent membership restructure.

Edelman is the world’s largest independent, integrated communications firm. With over 1,000 health specialists across 60 locations, including Hong Kong SAR, Mainland China, Taiwan, Japan, Korea, India, Southeast Asia and Australia, Edelman helps clients navigate the complex challenges of the rapidly changing world. The firm’s expertise covers product communications, data and regulatory milestones, disease awareness, patient advocacy group engagement, health policy and government affairs and more.
In addition, for 24 years, Edelman has produced the Edelman Trust Barometer. The annual global research measures indicators of trust among business, media, government and NGOs to reveal insights that shape the year ahead.
We are excited to have Edelman join us as a Catalyst Member and look forward to their valuable contributions and insights that will help drive the pharmaceutical industry’s progress in Hong Kong and the region. Their deep expertise and global perspective will be instrumental in supporting HKAPI’s mission and initiatives. Please join us in warmly welcoming Edelman to the HKAPI community.
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