New Board of Directors Elected at 2018 AGM
New Board of Directors Elected at 2018 AGM HKAPI’s new Board of Directors was elected at the 2018 Annual General Meeting (AGM) held on 26 March, 2018. Ms Caroline Johnson, […]
由醫院管理局、香港病人組織聯盟及香港科研製藥聯會合辦的 「病人賦能研討會2018」已於2月24日在醫管局大樓圓滿舉行。今年已是三方連續第五年合辦研討會,逾150名病友、醫護人員及業界代表踴躍參與。
Regulatory Training Programme Course 4 (Pharmacovigilance)
85 members, non-members and academics turned up for Regulatory Training Programme Course 4 – the last core course of the Programme which is jointly organized by The University of Hong Kong and HKAPI.
Macao Sharing Session
More than 60 representatives of member companies were guided through Macao's drug advertising rules in a sharing session held at Hong Kong Arts Centre' s theatre in Wan Chai on 11th December 2017.
HKAPI Medical Representatives’ Training Course Graduation Ceremony 2017
This year, 55 students have successfully completed the course and passed the examination, with 9 students obtaining distinction.
The sixth course of the Regulatory Training Programme, that is jointly organized by the University of Hong Kong and HKAPI, was attended by 75 members and academics.
To share the most updated market access information with members, HKAPI hosted a workshop on 9 November. Over 70 attendees from member companies joined the event.
HKAPI Bowling Cup 2017
The HKAPI Bowling Cup 2017 was held on last Friday (3rd November 2017). 22 teams participated to compete for the team championship as well as the individual awards in the men's and women's division.