The sixth course of the Regulatory Training Programme, that is jointly organized by the University of Hong Kong and HKAPI, was attended by 75 members and academics.
To share the most updated market access information with members, HKAPI hosted a workshop on 9 November. Over 70 attendees from member companies joined the event.
The HKAPI Bowling Cup 2017 was held on last Friday (3rd November 2017). 22 teams participated to compete for the team championship as well as the individual awards in the men's and women's division.
Veteran journalist Chris Yeung told HKAPI members in a public affairs workshop on October 25, 2017 that Hong Kong politics is getting more complicated, as the government and many stakeholders have to take the China factor into consideration when making key decisions.
A forum on the current development and future of Macao’s pharmaceutical sector was recently held at the University of Macao (UM) Wu Yee Sun Library. The event was co-organised by UM’s Institute of Chinese Medical Sciences, the Pharmaceutical Society of Macao, and the University of Hong Kong (HKU) Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine.