Regulatory Intelligence Forum
The HKAPI Regulatory Working Group recently held a forum for its members to exchange views on regulatory intelligence. Around 60 members attended the event.
Hong Kong Competition Law Update – Recent enforcement trends and impact on pharmaceutical industry
Over 30 members attended the seminar on-site, and 50 joined virtually.
2nd CEO Meeting (2022-24)
Over 20 CEOs and directors from our member companies joined the 2nd CEO Meeting of the term (2022-24) held online on 9 November 2022.
活動提要:The Journey of Biotech Innovation and Investment in Hong Kong
香港科研製藥聯會非常榮幸成為投資推廣署活動「The Journey of Biotech Innovation and Investment in Hong Kong」的支持機構,與生物醫藥界、投資公司及學術界等代表交流對香港醫藥創科發展及投資的見解。