The Oncology Innovation Study Group (OISG) urged for extra community care and more affordable drugs in the wake of rising cancer in Hong Kong.
The group, which HKAPI is a member, called for a comprehensive “Cancer Strategy for Hong Kong” in five areas that includes prevention, screening, diagnosis, treatment and palliative care.
In the KPMG report researching on cancer strategy, the group advocated a cap could be set on patient charges for a specific period based on average cancer survival rates under a risk-sharing agreement.
HKAPI Executive Director Sabrina Chan said at least six types of cancer drugs were already included in such agreements.
The study marked an important milestone in a concerted effort that was well covered by local media, thanks to the presence of Dr Raymond Lo Immediate Past President of the Federation of Medical Societies of Hong Kong; Dr Polly Cheung, Founder of Hong Kong Breast Cancer Foundation and Dr Alexander Chiu Specialist in Medicine, Hospital administrator.