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HKAPI Basketball Tournament 2018-19

The HKAPI Basketball Tournament 2018-19 has finally come to an end on August 22 2019. The tournament has not only given our colleagues a chance to unite their team and boost their team morale, but also allowed us to know more about our peers from the industry from another perspective.
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Precision Medicine Seminar #3

45 people showed up at the last episode of the Precision Medicine Series. This episode centered on the status quo and challenges faced by the industry and the regulator from the regulatory and legal perspective, worldwide and in Hong Kong, as the trend of precision medicine arrives.
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Precision Medicine Seminar #2

Attended by about 50 members, Part 2 of the “Precision Medicine Seminar Series” was an intensive panel discussion centered on discussing the opportunities and challenges of commercialization of precision medicine as well as its commercial applications.
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Precision Medicine Seminar #1

Organized by the HKAPI R&D Ecosystem Taskforce and supported by Baker McKenzie, the first seminar of the “Precision Medicine Seminar Series” was attended by around 50 members at Baker McKenzie’s new office in Quarry Bay.
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HKAPI Annual Dinner 2019

Over 250 guests from the academia, healthcare professionals, our trade partners and the government’s medical top policymakers and administrators attended the Hong Kong Association of the Pharmaceutical Industry Annual Dinner 2019.
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